Humic Mine Personalities by NMS
Let’s start in the south and work our way north. Terlingua, TX has a vein that would be the southern end of the New Mexico
Ammonia Control Plus Pit Pucks
Converts as much as 40# more Nitrogen per acre into manure slurry
Controls crusting, flies, mice, foaming, and odors – even in the field
Controls hydrogen sulfate and methane – greatly improving worker health and safety
Microbially digests solids, reducing pumping costs and improves soil and plant health
Works great in all manure – even in a glyphosate and antibiotic environment
AC Pucks are Manufactured and Guaranteed By SRV Nutrient Solutions.
Water consumption is a huge piece to mammal and bird health by flushing toxins and hydrating cells. Water taste or smell and hardness can be traced back to its source. Without addressing water conditions, plumbing can also build up with rust and bio-slime. A real easy solution is available. Contact me.
Water absorption can be enhanced by using a Water Revitalizer to reduce water molecule size (measured in dynes). The Water Revitalizer serves as salt-free softener, does not remove natural minerals, and also changes the hydrogen ion from positive to negative which promote absorption into plants and mammals. Hydration occurs more readily, illustrated by the 2.5% performance enhancement observed with its use. Shop for a Water Revitalizer in the Products tab, matching the mating thread available or one size larger than the plumbing. Just keep it from freezing, it will last indefinitely.
Additional concerns of static electricity buildup by water flow in plastic lines can also be eliminated. A grounding unit, patented US10111310B2, can be installed near the consumption point. Proven especially beneficial in dairy and swine production where the animals entire composure changes with the elimination of static electricity. Water and feed consumption increases and improved performance results in a fatter checkbook.
Feed ration for gut health is a basic principle. Energy sources and diversity are factors a nutrionalist will help determine for you as relative feed value changes in sources of the desired nutrients.
Enhancing immunity is a factor for production rate. A virus or bacterial influence on the herd or flock could lead to reduced intake, lethargy, and compromised production. Please contact me and learn more about Vital Virus Stopper and the natural way to boost immunity. Target the use of Vital Virus Stopper in drinking water to clean lines of bio-slime and unwanted disease sources. Use Vital Virus Stopper in a fogger for respiratory disease treatment.
Raw manure contains the refuse of the animal’s meal. Often farmers will send in samples from pits or piles to determine the nutrient levels measurable for fertilizing fields intended for next year’s crops. The short storage time of manure limits the availability to the plant where it is often the soil microbes that digest the manure. Humates are natural means of retaining Nitrogen and boosting the microbiological breakdown. Composting is natural way of creating humic acid from manure solids or wood waste for that matter.
Until AC Pit Pucks, there weren’t biological slurry manure digesters that also captured the Nitrogen to the extent of 40# N/ acre. This reduces ammonia odor and worker hazards, while increasing soil fertility and microbial activity in the soil to which a slurry is applied. The AC Pit Pucks are to slurry as what composting is to solids – beginning the digestion process for the soil and plant use.
Let’s start in the south and work our way north. Terlingua, TX has a vein that would be the southern end of the New Mexico